Town Board meeting
February 13, 2025
Supervisor Judy Gokey
Council Gary Snyder
Craig Gillespie
Perry Siver
Absent Scott Crossett
Absent Hwy. Super. Howard Eaton
Town Clerk Lora Grower
Motion made by C. Siver and seconded by C. Snyder for meeting to come to order at 6:02 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion made by C. Gillespie and seconded by C. Snyder to waive reading of last month’s minutes.
Motion made by C. Snyder and seconded by C. Siver to accept minutes as written.
Motion made by. C. Siver and seconded by C. Snyder to accept reports Supervisor report wasn’t available.
Motion made by C. Snyder and seconded by C. Siver to pay bills.
General #14- 29 in amount of $31,180.40
Highway #9-27 in amount of $16,870.20
Sandy from historical was in attendance, the historical society would like to put up a marker for Fred Smith. She asked the board where they would like it put, by the church or the gazebo. The board felt it would be better by the church.
Update on the security system, there would be two outside cameras, one in the office along with two wireless panic buttons. The town barn would have one in office, one in garage, one out front, one in fuel room. It would be $36.00 a month monitoring fee. These would record. Installation fee is $6,099.00
Motion made by C. Gillespie and seconded by C. Siver to table until next month when we could have John Lupino from security company come to meeting and answer any questions.
There has been a lawyer change in the Nial Williams case.
Update: Furnace for res. Hall, the old furnace is getting really old and it’s hard to find parts for it. The board would like to update to a new propane one. We are waiting on a quote from Snyder Fuel, hopefully by March meeting.
Pg. 2
Resolution #1 of 2025
Accept judges report for fiscal year ending
Motion made by C. Siver and seconded by C. Snyder to accept
Judy Gokey AYE
Gary Snyder AYE
Craig Gillespie AYE
Perry Siver AYE
Scott Crossett Absent
The above resolution is hereby adopted on this 13th day of February 2025.
Motion made by C. Siver and seconded by C. Snyder to adjourn regular meeting at 6:28 pm and open executive session.
Motion made by C. Snyder and seconded by C. Siver to adjourn executive session at 6:45 pm and open regular meeting.
Motion made by C. Siver and seconded by C. Snyder to adjourn regular meeting at 6:50 pm.
Next meeting March 13, 2025 at 6 pm
Respectfully submitted by,
Lora Grower/ Town Clerk