Town Board meeting
December 12, 2024
Supervisor Judy Gokey
Council Gary Snyder
Craig Gillespie
Absent Perry Siver
Scott Crossett
Absent Hwy. Super. Howard Eaton
Town Clerk Lora Grower
Carmen D’Ascends
Motion made by C. Crossett and seconded by C. Gillespie for meeting to come to order at 7:00 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion made by C. Siver and seconded by C. Snyder to waive reading of last month’s minutes.
Motion made by C. Crossett and seconded by C. Siver to accept minutes as written.
Motion made by. C. Siver and seconded by C. Snyder to accept reports.
Motion made by C. Crossett and seconded by C. Siver to pay bills.
General #105-117 in the amount of $31,820.37
Highway #137-149 in the amount of $343,373.17
Update on Rec. Hall: materials won’t be in until the second week of January. Judy wants to talk to contractor about ceiling fans, we know this will have to be paid for out-of-town budget.
Year end meeting December 30,2024 at 5:30 pm
Discussion took place on the church rentals. Right now, the charge is $100.00 C. Crossett thought we should increase the price to $200.00, a $100.00 will be kept with the town and the other $100.00 will be given to the person or persons who have to sit there during the rentals.
Motion made by C. Crossett and seconded by C. Siver to accept the above. Increase to $200.00
Motion made by C. Crossett and seconded by C. Siver for meeting to adjourn at 7:25 pm
Next meeting January 9, 2025 @7 pm
Respectfully submitted by
Lora Grower/ Town Clerk